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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I never thought I would be able to have my own blog and be consistent about it….until January 2018 when I started my first blog. Those who know about my #MommyDiaries posts on Facebook might have an idea about that 

And now, here I am starting yet another blog with a motive behind it. This is about a journey of a mother of an ambidextrous child πŸ˜ƒ 

We recently discovered that my son A, who has just turned 4.5 years in January 2018 has this rare quality.

For those who do not know, being ambidextrous roughly means ability to use the right and left hands equally well. Only about 1% of world population is naturally ambidextrous. Remember Viru Sahastrabuddhe from 3 idiots writing with both hands? Well, thats kind of ambidextrous πŸ˜‰ 

If we talk about real world then Maria Sharapova, Cristiano Ronaldo, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi are a few who are/were said to be ambidextrous 

For me this is absolutely overwhelming!
It took me 30+ years to actually understand that the world is made convenient for “right handed” people. And hereon, I am all set to see things from A’s perspective πŸ˜€

Intention behind sharing this is also to make people aware of situations/challenges kids are put in these days. I would be more than happy if this helps some parent and/or child in some way. I would also like to mention that the observations/conclusions which I would be sharing through these are just my perspectives and may not be generalised. These opinions come from the reading I have done/am doing and sessions with experts. 
This is really a complex thing and hence opinions are bound to differ person by person 

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